Sunday, May 5, 2013

20 years, and reunited again after all these years

Finally figured out the usage, of all the plans i have in motion. the one thing i am working on is to see about how many usages i have to make my budget better and easier for me to do every month... my step mom, Ellen helped me out on one of my budget plans... And that was a big help... thank you mom... 
After 20 yrs i finally been reunited with my dad... just last Dec. 2012... my uncle Paul found him... and my cousin Carrie had set it all up so i can see him. It was the best Christmas present ever... I learned that i have three step sisters, two I've met. Mary and Shasta... Beverly never met her. Bev is a long story... I don't know really much about her... I am the oldest child of my dad... Harold... For years I've always wanted to know what happen to him. I didn't really know how to look for him... But some how my uncle found a way to find him... thank you uncle Paul. And now i come and visit my dad and mom... Months ago, before all this happen, Javier offered to help find my dad... That is so very sweet of him.... I love him even more... I can't wait to see what the surprise is Javier will have for me... Wonder what it could be...